Compost is an excellent way to feed your soil essential nutrients so your grass, plants and trees can grow strong and healthy. Synthetic fertilizers are often lacking in macro and micronutrients. Make sure all your landscaping projects thrive with proper nutrition provided by top-quality compost from GLM Landscape Supply.
Benefits of Compost
When you want to be sure your lawn and plants grow strong and healthy, proper nutrition is essential. Adding compost not only adds these crucial nutrients, but it also releases them slowly, over months or even years. Synthetic fertilizers don’t provide this lasting sustenance. Soil fortified with compost will retain fertilizer better, which means less fertilizer is lost to runoff, which pollutes water sources. Nutrient-rich compost will also neutralize the pH levels in your soil, reducing both acid and alkaline soils to a healthier lever.
Compost is effective in binding soil particles together, so the soil structure is more robust. The compost is filled with pores and tiny air pockets that hold onto oxygen, moisture and nutrients. It loosens the tightly bound particles common in clay or silt. When the soil is compacted tightly, the roots can be bound and prevented from growing and spreading. The composted soil is easier to work with and less likely to erode.
GLM Landscape Supply Has Top-Quality Compost for Pickup or Delivery
You are welcome to come to our Milton Landscape Center, located on Highway 9, just on the edge of Milton and Alpharetta, GA. We will help you determine how much compost you need and load it up for you.
You can also call us at (770) 664-8200 to order your compost, and we will deliver with a minimum order of 4 cubic yards. Our compost delivery can be expected in 3-5 business days from the time you place your order.
If you need help to figure out how much compost you need, you can calculate the total cubic yards with this formula for product coverage. Cubic yards needed = square footage needed, times the depth desired (inches), divided by 324. One Cubic Yard = 648 sq.ft. at 1/2″ / 325 sq.ft. at 1″ / 162 sq.ft. at 2″ / 108 sq.ft. at 3″ / 81 sq.ft. at 4″.
Contact us online or call (770) 664-8200 today to place your order for high-quality compost to enrich your soil for your landscaping projects.