Landscaping your garden can include more than just flowers, plants, grass and trees. Natural stone can also make a great addition to your yard and diversify your landscape design. While natural stone can certainly be used as pavers to lay a patio or stacked as large rocks to form a retaining wall, you can also use natural stone in the form of gravel. Gravel isn’t just for temporary driveways for construction projects. In fact, there are many different types of gravel you can use depending on your specific landscaping need.
Ways to Use Gravel in Your Yard
Here are some common landscaping projects that involve quality gravel from your trusted supplier:
A garden path. You’ll want to choose a gravel that is soft to your feet and easy to compact. This helps it stay in place. Ideal gravel for a walkway or garden path include small stones that are no bigger than a ¼ inch diameter with smooth edges.
Drainage solution. Did you know that gravel can be one of the best ways to prevent flooding and erosion in your landscape? Gravel can control and channel heavy rain so that it doesn’t ruin your turf or garden. Crushed rock, river stone and shell gravel are excellent options for drainage.
Support fences. Not all homeowners want to stick their fence posts in an unsightly and laborious block of concrete. Gravel around your garden fences can often offer the same support and stability as concrete, but in a more attractive way. Pea Gravel is a popular choice for stabilizing landscape fences.
Mulch for plants. If you want eye-catching contrast around your flower beds and trees, you may prefer to mulch with medium-sized gravel as opposed to bark, pine straw or wood chips.
Decorative features. While you may consider gravel for its dependable and indestructible functional benefits in your landscape, you should also understand its decorative value. Gravel can be used to create rock or to highlight a water or hardscape feature in your yard. Explore attractive gravel varieties such as pea gravel, marble chips, crushed granite, river rock and beach pebbles.
Are you ready to use gravel in your next landscaping project? Contact GLM Landscape Supply today. We offer affordable rates on a full menu of landscaping products in Alpharetta.
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13975 Hwy 9
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Phone: (770) 664-8200
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.Sat: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sun: Closed